In less than a second I'm sure you've got three questions in your head:
1. Why do I call myself a "mad engineer"? Isn't the term a "mad scientist"?
2. Why in the world should you read anything I have to write?
3. Just what will I be writing about?
Those are very good questions. I know I can answer the first, and I'll take a stab at the second.
I call myself a mad engineer because that's what I am. Well, mostly. I'm not an engineer quite yet, I'm still in school, but since I've been groomed for that title since my first semester I feel that I can claim the title, at least probationally. Now a followup question: Aren't engineers scientists? Yes, we are. I like to think of us as applied scientists. Scientists work in labs and think tanks to figure out the laws that govern the universe. Engineers then take those laws and put them to work, designing and building machines, processes, and everything else that you can see and touch that nature didn't provide. The computer you're reading this on is a good example: scientists figured out the laws of electricity, mathematicians figure out the laws that govern logic computing, engineers combined the two into that box of silicon sitting in front of you.
As for the mad part, well that's a little more complicated. You see, I have ideas. Strange ideas. Some might even say ideas that are out there. When we read books and watch TV shows and movies that have mad scientists as strange people who are essentially kicked to the curb for being strange. Dr. Frankenstein is a mad scientist to a "T". (Rest easy, bio-engineering is not what I want to do, so I won't be making any monsters.) Combine that with the paragraph above and you get a "mad engineer". (Isn't it amazing how math can apply to writing as well?)
I know that sounds like a simple reason why I call myself a mad engineer, but there is a second reason: things today are making me mad. Many of the things that are going on in the world these days are often mind-boggling stupid to me. I won't go into detail here since this is supposed to be an introduction, I'll go into detail throughout the blog. So essentially, in a literal sense, I'm an engineer who's mad.
And now the moment you've been waiting for: what will I be writing about? Short answer: anything I want. Long answer: I'll focus on science and engineering with a focus on astronomy and related fields. I'll add in some commentary about how science is being treated in the world today as well as current events, then top the whole thing off with a dash of gaming chatter, bake at 450° for 20 minutes and voila: A blog! And for dessert I'll throw in a piece of religious commentary cake topped with a cherry.
So that's what's on the table. Feel free to comment, and don't be shy about offering topics for me to write about. My door is always open!
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