But what about the granddaddy of all awards? The Nobel Prizes are awarded each and every year just like all those entertainment awards. In fact, they even come with a monetary prize (about $1.2 million) and the winners get to meet the King of Sweden (Norway if you get the Peace Prize)! What's more, the Nobels aren't handed out for being a good entertainer. No, you get a Nobel by contributing to the world itself, via scientific discovery, invention, or other such means. Thankfully the importance of the Nobels hasn't been lost in the years, you still hear about who got what prize (mainly the Peace Prize.)
But I have to ask: when was the last time the Nobels were on live TV with the full court press and red carpet? Can the average American name any recent winner other than Al Gore (and don't even get me started on how he got the Peace Prize)? Heck, I'm ashamed to say that I can't either. *smack's self*
The Nobel Prize winner announcements will be made in the next few weeks with the award ceremony itself on December 10. Can we please see them in the news, and more than just a byline? Is it too much to ask to have people be celebrities for actually doing something to help the world?
Well, with the latest announcement, you can bet that people here will watch the awarding of the Peace Prize this year.